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A member registered Aug 11, 2020

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it's a $5 game, they have to earn money somehow, their monetization is fine.

Pirating the game's skins is really dumb, and just stealing the money that the developers need to keep the game running. 

Wine is not a solution, it's not likely to work well with the game.

Wine no es una solución, no es probable que funcione bien con el juego.

As a mac user I have to say your comment is retarded

This is why they need to make a sequel

Yeah, they should get something like easy anti-cheat. Or something else.

(2 edits)

Actually, from my experience, it takes longer to rewrite code for an existing application, it's actually less work if they made a sequel, it also gives them more flexibility to keep updating the 2nd one while they work on the sequel.

In reality, not making a sequel is what's going to screw them over in the long term. Keeping the hype train going with Among Us 2 is a better idea.

They can just release a beta version of Among Us 2 in a few months to show their progress. It doesn't take a year and a half to make a pretty decent base game. (Of course, they definitely need to update it, but they could make a decent game without spending a year and a half.

A good portion of people playing the game don't have mic, but it would be a good idea, just don't expect most people to have mic. 

You guys really should just make a sequel, it's way easier, and could allow you to make cool new changes without having to rewrite all the code. 

This also gives you more flexibility and that's important.

It's prob not gonna be supported on chromebook, you can't use it on chromebook, you must have a pc or mac running windows or macos. 

Chrome os will probably never be supported.